What is bad about Alton Towers?
Long queues
Expensive, ride photos, gift shop, food and drinks, ticket itself
Getting wet on rides, in the rain
Package and promote
Distribution strategy- Maybe sold in the gift shop, cheap to buy, needs to be cheaper than buying a fast track ticket
Product- something interactive
Queueing is boring
Things are expensive
You don't want to get wet on the rides
Children, teenagers, People who go on rides
I want it to be clever, funny for example the plastic carrier bag thats looks like the handle is a mouth, promoting nail biting cream
Getting wet at alton towers, rain macs, could have funny designs on them
Ink that changes colour when the temperature changes
Research existing products rain macs, gift shop products
Print design and production methods
Print on drinks bottles, t-shirts, rain macs, sweets, back of ride photo's
What is already out there? All the above are already so would need to be adapted
I want it to be funny and humorous
Could be a pack and contain sick bags, eye badge to cover your eyes on scary rides, ear plugs to block out the screaming, super absorbent pants incase you have an accident on the rides, sickness tablets, rain mac, blow up pillow for rita as its so fast
Each one could be specific to each ride
RAF pilots had special trousers to stop blood leaving their legs when they fly at full speed into the air. Oblivion could have a joke mimic of this at its a fast speed drop roller coaster
Look at the bad things about alton towers and look at how you can make them good-funny for example being sick on a ride is bad so make a sick make or sickness tablets
Further research
Look at existing 'Joke' packs to see their style and effects
Packaging- Utilitarian function a pack containing the sick back etc which will protect and distribute the contents
Who its for, where it will be distributed, who can buy it?
Could be sold at gift shops, anyone could buy it, appealing to young people, children, teenagers, supposed to be jokey so anyone who finds funny
Research into existing modes, forms and formats of packaging
More than one production and method of delivery should be considered also stock choices, print processes and method of distribution
Where would it be sold? Do people go into the gift shops last? They could get them at the ticket collection or there could be a poster of advertisement telling you where you can buy the pack
Are they free? or cheap?
Is the alton towers logo on it?
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