Thursday, 9 December 2010
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
After effects
1.12.10 Workshop continued...
Playback- Right side panel Preview box
Short cut keys
| <| takes you to the beginning
<| | takes you back one frame
|> playback
Spacebar- playback
Info panel FPS 25.00 realtime
The more complex your timeline gets the slower it plays back
Green line above composition on timeline
Ram button |||> Playing from RAM 125 of 125 Once it gets too complex the RAM can only show part
of the preview
New composition resolution also at bottom of screen
Half one pixel in every 2 will be previewed
quarter every one in 4
This will enable you to preview more at the right pace
You can preview one section
Work area bar Below timeline numbers
Blue tab click and drag to move
Layer properties every layer has transform property
Anchor point center of rotation
First number horizontal 2nd number vertical
Same with scale
rotation 2nd number no. of degrees of rotation
first number no of resolution
Opacity click drag left and right
Key frames
Click button next to position to create key frames, change time on the timeline, click and drag object which creates a new key frame
Arrows allow you to jump to previous or next key frame, can then re set the position of the key frame
To add another change the timeline and drag object key frames are like anchor points
Click on key frame points and drag apart to speed up or slow down
Delete a key frame click on key frame backspace
Add or remove keyframe forward arrow and backward arrow
Copy and paste key frame
New layer solid
Tild key next to z on keyboard show the active panel
Keyboard shortcuts
'P' on keyboards reveals position
'A' Anchor point
'R' rotation
'S' Scale
'O' Outpoint of current layer
'I' inpoint of current layer
Press shift to see more than one property at once
'U' all properties of layer that has had key frames enabled
'N' end
'B' beginning
shift- keyframes to select more than one
Composition- Add to render queue
Render settings
Time span
Best settings
Length of comp
Output module
Format quicktime
format options h.264 to go on vimeo or youtube
output to
Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Saturday, 4 December 2010
Adobe After Effects
Workshop one
In After effects everything in contained in windows.
Workspace divided into panels
Can change to animation etc
Work on different tabs
Window-additional panels
Window-workspace-reset standard, brig all back
In After effects everything in contained in windows.
Workspace divided into panels
Can change to animation etc
Work on different tabs
Window-additional panels
Window-workspace-reset standard, brig all back
After effects-preference-appearance-change the brightness
Each panel your working on is highlighted 'The active panel'
Project panel- Everything you create AEP After effect project
Everything your going to use will be in this panel
Bottom window - timeline - Arrange them here, time ruler
Spatially- Space you have, to see how it looks
Temporally- time
Composition window- this is where you see it played back
Create a composition
has to contain at least one composition, like a page in InDesign etc
Composition- new composition
Divided into categories HD high definition
Standard definition NTSC- american
Video standard - PAL- Uk
British and american like on a DVD, comp games
Series of still images- divided into frames
29.97- NTSC
PAL- 25
PAL D1- DV - Working with video
PAL D1- DV- Working with graphics
PAL D1- DV Widescreen square pixels
rectangular pixels- video
19-6 widescreen pixels- PAL D1- DV Widescreen square pixels
Width and height in pixels
Highlighted means you can change them
Hover over ad click to move left and right or just click and type it in
Frame rate - 25 - pal standard
Duration 5 seconds
Background colour
Timeline works with layers. Every asset will have its own layer
Click on timeline or composition window layer- new - solid
Solid settings
Still images will last the whole time
Time indicator
Click over the image on timeline at the end and drag to make smaller or longer
Can move it around the timeline
Click on solid
Layer- solid settings to change colour etc
Composition- comp settings- can change settings at any time
Order which it appears at the front of comp window
can click and drag to move